lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011

Chinese Inventions

As many people know, China is one of the most ancient civilizations in the world. Only a few civilizations have changed the world in the way that China has, I'll show you some of their most important inventions that changed our world and the way we live today.

The first semi-automatic crossbow: 

The Compass:



The first printing press:

Click here to go a page where all the history of this civilization is summarized :D

Have some videos!!

Things Europe never invented Pt. 1

Things Europe never invented Pt. 2

Things Europe never invented Pt. 3

Chinese Dynasties (classwork)


1) Ming means light.
2) China had all it needed.
3) They wanted wealth and power.
4) They had technology advantages.
5) New forms of wriiting and the Novel
6) Enciclopedias and dictionaries.
7) Very few people were allowed.
8) They were interested.
9) The MIng Dynasty ended.
10) Qing means Pure
11) Chinese men were forced to wear their hair in a long braid. and Manchu coauldn( marry a Chinese.

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011

Spanish in the Americas, Power Point presentation:

On the last entry I talked about the Spanish settlers and the American Kings, now I'll leave a link to a presentation that has more information about them and the empires that existed in America:

Power Point Presentation

Spanish in the Americas

This was a hard time for the continent. There is a lot of important people and important actions that changed the history of the planet, for now I will explain a little bit about some of them:

This guys helped to conquer the Aztec, Maya and Inca Empires, the most powerful and organize of the continent.

Click here to find out who was Francisco Pizarro.
Click here to find out who was Hernan Cortes.

All this actual nations were Spanish colonies:

And this guys here were the ones who lead the Empires, great leaders that died in hands of the Spaniards :(

Now have some games!!

A Meso-American Game!!... this one belongs to a series of Sci-Fi games called "Submachine". I think this one works with internet explorer, or just goggle it as "Submachine 32 Chambers".